Project: Special Needs in Kenya <back>
Maggie Lusweti, Able & Willing board member, is making plans to build a school for children with special needs in Kenya.
Maggie grew up in a large extended family
in Kenya and both of her parents were teachers. .
Maggie’s father rose to become a founding member
of the Kenya National Union of Teachers, the largest
teachers trade union in Kenya. Maggie’s passion for
education was ingrained in her from childhood. In her
last visit with her two sons to see her father before he
lost his battle with cancer, she visited several schools
that her parents continued to help in their retirement.
She noted that Kenyan schools lack any services for
children with developmental delays. She had no trouble
finding and interviewing special needs kids that
were totally abandoned by the educational system.
Acquiring Land
In 2014, Able & Willing wired money to pay for land title search for a strategically located property in Bungoma County in the western part of Kenya. As of April, 2015, we await the outcome of the title search. The pictures below show the proposed property.